My name is Sarah and I am based on the Norfolk/Suffolk border and am lucky enough to be on the doorstep of Thetford Forest along with my husband Ben, son Isaac and our small pack of three beagles and a Black & Tan American Coonhound. At the start of 2017 I was working part time, being a mum and waiting for our first litter of beagle pups to be born and needed to something to stimulate my brain so began my own journey of self development and learning about all things to do with dogs.
I studied Canine Law, Canine First Aid and then an Advanced Diploma in Dog Behaviour with the British College of Canine Studies, none of these were supposed to change my career path from my senior secretarial role within the NHS but it did along with the path I had been on with my first beagle Yoda.
At a very young age I was told Yoda's sacrolumbar region wasn’t made quite as it should be and is under the care of a McTimoney Chiropracter as I didn’t want to start my 18 month old pup on a cocktail of medicine for his life, although I know in the future it may come. Yoda has regular maintenance treatment by his therapist and watching her work and how she has helped him piqued my interest to research manual therapy further and my resultant studies with Galen. It was in fact this therapist that recommended Galen to me knowing of the Guiding Principles and the ethos of Choice-Led treatment and how these would appeal to me, how this would allow me to connect with the dog I am treating.
What you and your dog can expect before, during and after your sessions with me:
I will take a full detailed history about your dog's life and any past history including any diagnoses,
I will supply you with relevant paperwork to make a detailed assessment such as postural assessment and gait analysis,
I will obtain vet consent on your behalf,
We will agree a dates and times that is suitable for you and your dog for each treatment,
Before the first appointment I will supply you with a pre-treatment advice sheet,
At our first meeting we will spend some time together talking to allow your dog to relax in my company and to enable me to complete my assessments,
I will treat your dog when the dog allows me to and treatment will never be forced,
We will discuss home treatment plan including exercises, home adaptations and my further recommendations including treatment plans*,
I will show you simple but effective massage techniques to use on your dog between scheduled treatments,
You will be supplied with a post-treatment advice sheet,
We will discuss further treatments which is dependant on my findings,
Your vet will be supplied with an initial vet report outlining my findings and a further full report after three treatment sessions**
I am always available for advice
*treatment plans will be dependant on there is a diagnosis with compensatory issues or whether maintenance treatment schedule
**not all dogs require three initial treatments, this will be discussed and the rationale behind this including the duration between each treatment
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