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Vegan Diets for Dogs – The future of sustainability and health, or the demise of natural ancestral lifestyle? 

Dog with carrots

The number of vegans in the UK quadrupled between 2014 and 2019, and now in 2022, vegans make up 3% of the population. Due to an ever-growing movement for animal rights and welfare, as well as climate change being at the forefront of national media, this number is increasing year on year.  


A study by The University of Edinburgh showed that pet food was responsible for 3% of CO2 emissions from farming, which equals the same amount as 17% of all global flights, which is no small sum when you put it into perspective. Not only this, but the amount of land required to make dry food for cats and dogs globally is around 9 million hectares, which is around twice the size of the UK. With pet ownership also on the increase, so does the need for land to create food for them, which drives deforestation, and has a further devastating impact on the world’s natural ecosystem.  


So, it’s no surprise that the environmental impact of our pets’ diets is now under scrutiny. However, with dogs having very different nutritional requirements to humans, is it right that we should consider a plant-based diet for our dogs? 


There has always been great debate as to whether dogs are carnivores or omnivores. Their teeth and digestional make-up suggest they edge towards carnivorous, but they tend to scavenge more than they hunt (unlike cats) and so the latter could definitely be argued for.  


Those advocating for plant-based diets for their dogs say that it’s not the origin of the protein that’s important for the diet, but rather the quality. They put forward the argument that commercial, animal protein-based dog foods utilise “leftover” and “low-quality” animal products in their food, and so up and coming plant-based dog food brands claim that plant-based protein is a better quality option for dogs’ health. 


However, all UK pet food must be sourced from the human food chain and be fit for human consumption. Therefore, from a sustainability perspective, it could be argued that these “leftovers”, (which often include parts of the animal such as offal, trotters, feet and ears) are usually an unused by-product of the human food supply and not only offer high nutritional density but also a solution to human food waste.  


For vegans though, who would see human meat consumption abolished, this is no consolation. Furthermore, as consumer trends move towards premiumisation of dog food, a recent study claims that, actually, up to 30% of UK livestock is now specifically reared for pet food. 


The issue of animal allergies also plays into the hands of the new wave of vegan dog food. With the majority of pet allergies being attributed to mass produced animal protein sources such as beef, chicken and dairy, a plant-based alternative that provides all the protein required by your dog could be the answer.  


The British Vet Association remains non-committal on promoting a plant-based diet for dogs, claiming there is not enough scientific or long-term evidence to back the idea. Nevertheless, Justine Shotton (BVA President) states that whilst, in theory, it is possible to attain a healthy diet from vegetarian or vegan protein sources, the reality is that in practice, the balance is extremely difficult to get right. That said, it is generally agreed that any DIY dog diet, whether plant-based or animal-protein based takes a lot of practise and knowledge to accomplish well. 


Furthermore, a 2022 study into the position of vegan dog diets, lead by Andrew Knight, Professor of Animal Welfare and Ethics the University of Winchester, has prompted the BVA to conduct more research, and potentially review their position. 


However, there are now dog food brands that are endorsed by seasoned veterinary professionals which offer a “nutritionally complete” plant-based alternative, and which may solve the ethical conundrum faced by dog owners who choose a vegan lifestylefor themselves, but feel it is contradictory to feed their dogs animal products. Up and coming vegan dog food brands combine the ethos of sustainability, animal welfare and optimum dog health and are seemingly providing a promising solution.  


While meat eaters and traditionalists are likely to reel at the thought of pushing a vegan diet on to their dog, the environmental and ethical factors of animal consumption are not going anywhere any time soon, as veganism is on a steep rise.  


Whatever you choose to feed your dog, information is everything. It seems that the general advice is that if you want to try plant-based for your pooch, rely on a professional “complete” brand rather than a DIY version to ensure your dog is gaining all the macronutrients needed for a healthy diet. 


If you are seeking to improve your impact on the environment, every little helps! Incorporating a plant-based complete dog food such as DoGood into your dogs’ diet so that they have a few meat-free days a week is a great way to start improving your carbon pawprint!  

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