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About Wooflinks

Dog welfare is our top priority

We aim to enable reputable, professional, dog businesses to connect with dog owners, and for dog owners to find trusted services, necessities, and dog friendly locations to enjoy.

Whilst we are solely an advertising directory and not in any way affiliated with any of the businesses listed on the site and therefore take no legal responsibility for any actions or behaviours carried out by these partners, we take a firm stance on promoting animal welfare at all times and therefore reserve the right to remove any business listing, for any reason, without notice whom we suspect of not complying with our strict ethics policy.


Wooflinks Policy & Ethics

Accuracy and integrity

We are committed to providing accurate and reliable information about dog businesses listed on our directory. We will verify the information provided by businesses to the best of our ability and regularly update it to maintain accuracy. We will clearly distinguish between user-generated content and verified information.

Transparency and accountability

We will provide clear and transparent information about the criteria and guidelines for inclusion in our directory. We will clearly communicate our policies, terms of use, and privacy practices to users and businesses. We will take responsibility for addressing any inaccuracies, concerns, or complaints promptly and transparently. Wooflinks reserves the right to remove any business who it believes is operating outside of this ethics code, or who is using falsified information.

User feedback and moderation

Wooflinks encourages and supports users to provide feedback, ratings, and reviews to ensure accountability and quality control of our partners. We have a self-policing system to address any inappropriate or misleading content promptly. Please report any genuine concerns to where we will conduct any required investigations.

Training methods

Wooflinks is committed to the health, safety, and wellbeing of all dogs. Therefore, we will only partner with dog professionals who promote the sole use of non-aversive, positive, and humane training methods that prioritize the welfare of dogs. We do not allow dog businesses who utilise aversive techniques such as physical punishment, fear, intimidation, or any form of aversive stimuli such as prong collars, shock collars, and slip lead corrections.

When partnering with Wooflinks, trainers and behaviourists must confirm that they do not utilise aversive or “balanced” training methods.

Wooflinks is an advertising directory and is in no way affiliated with any businesses on the website. Wooflinks takes no responsibility for the actions of behaviours of any of its members. That said, we do conduct due diligence measures to ensure that all partners on the site are reputable and trustworthy. However, if you wish to report a genuine concern about a business, where you believe a dog’s welfare may seriously be in danger of being compromised, we do accept confidential messages to our email address –

Adoption and rescue

Wooflinks supports adoption and rescue of dogs from reputable shelters and rescue organizations (eg: those with registered charity status). We endeavour to educate users about the benefits of adopting and the importance of reducing the number of homeless dogs.


Wooflinks supports the ethical and responsible breeding of dogs. However, since it would be very easy for an unethical breeder or puppy farm to pose as a responsible breeder, we have taken the decision to prohibit any breeders from joining the site.

User Privacy and Data Protection

We will handle user data in compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations. We will clearly explain how user data is collected, used, stored, and protected in our privacy policy.

We will obtain user consent for data collection when necessary and provide users with options to manage their data.


Any company that provides kennels, day care or boarding must be licensed [according to The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) Regulations 2018]. This includes businesses who offer another service as a primary activity ie: if a dog walker offers boarding services, they must be licensed. Not only is it illegal to participate in these business activities without one; it also invalidates any insurance they may have.

Wooflinks only allows the advertisement of fully licensed* businesses. All companies providing boarding, daycare or kennels are required to confirm that they have the necessary and up to date licences and display their licence number in order to be listed.

Failure to do this or using falsified information will result in immediate removal from the site.

As licences are required to be regularly updated, Wooflinks will be auditing the validity of licences on an annual basis. Any businesses found to be operating on an expired licence will be automatically suspended. If you see or suspect a company is operating without a licence, please report to our investigations team at

However, please be aware that the only way to be certain if a company is operating with an up to date and valid licence on the day of enquiry is with direct contact with the local issuing authority.


(*where required, ie: dog boarding, daycare and kennels)


All businesses are required to confirm they have up to date and relevant business insurance. All businesses can (if they wish to) display their insurance policy on their profile. Please be aware that the only way to ensure a company is fully insured is to view their up-to-date policy.

As we are an advertising site, and not a 3rd party booking system, Wooflinks takes no legal responsibility for insurance matters. However, if you see or suspect that a company is operating without proper insurance, please report to our investigations team at