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The Raw War

Raw food diets are a hot topic these days, with social media such as Instagram and TikTok playing a huge role in sharing information on the best diets for our dogs.  So let’s talk about a bit of the history that’s brought us to this new wave of interest in doggy diets.

Domesticated dogs didn’t really become fashionable until the early 1900s, and prior to this they had mostly been scavengers. The Chappel Brothers introduced canned dog food which actually began its existence as horse meat, a lot of which had been brought back from the trenches in the First World War.

Competitors cashed in on this newfound doggy trend, creating a meat-meal, where they overcooked meat until it became a dry protein powder and was pressurised into something we now know as kibble.

So for about 100 years, the majority of us have fed our dogs on kibble and canned food, so why is the beloved Pedigree Chum now being vilified by dog “influencers”?

The post-war spike in pre-packaged and convenience food is a distant memory. The interest in eradicating processed foods and incorporating a healthy diet as nature intended has never been more prominent in human society, so, as “man’s best friend” it’s only natural that our pooches are now following suit.

Raw food enthusiasts champion an 80-10-10 ratio of raw muscle meat, offal and bone-meal as the perfect menu for a healthy dog, and affirm improved joint, bone, skin and dental health, higher natural immunity to bugs, reduced stool volume, and enhanced reproductive health. Some also say that, like humans, a diet with reduced additives helps with behavioural issues.

This said, the raw route can be much more pricey. Some people are also opposed to handling such a lot of raw meat in the home due to cross contamination of the likes of e-coli and salmonella. Storage space can also be a problem as it needs to be kept frozen or refrigerated.

The jury is still out with many dog owners and vets still choosing the kibble and cans route as their preferred option. Not all dog food is created the same, so if raw feeding isn’t for you, but you are interested in improving your dog’s nutrition, then take a look at some local businesses who create tailored, nutritious dog food that outranks the mass produced, freeze-dried, commercial stuff.

Whatever your preference, the fact that such an argument exists is good news. It means that people are paying much more attention to their dogs’ lifestyle and nutrition and this gets the Wooflinks seal of approval.

Check out some of our local food suppliers here


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