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5 household Items you didn’t know were a danger to your dog

Vet Services

Dogs, like babies, are prone to ingesting things that can pose a serious, if not sometimes fatal threat. So here are some household items you may have not considered that could put your dog in serious danger:

Vape juice

Nicotine is highly toxic to dogs, so both cigarettes and e-cigarette liquid are equally dangerous if ingested. The sweet smell of vape-juice can be very tempting to your pup so it’s really important to keep it out of your dog’s way, preferably locked away in a drawer. Nicotine poisoning can become apparent as quickly as 15-60 minutes after ingestion. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhoea, palpitations, seizures and tremors. You must contact your vet immediately if you suspect your dog has got hold of an item containing nicotine. Rapid action can be the difference between life and death.


This is a common ingredient that you may not have heard of but almost certainly will have come across without knowing. It is a common sugar substitute found in “sugar free” items, most often found in chewing gum, toothpaste, some supplements, and other various sugar-free products. Even tiny amounts can cause serious harm, as xylitol mimics real sugar to a highly intensified level. The dog’s body responds as though it has had extreme levels of sugar ingested, causing an insulin spike and thus leading to plummeting blood sugar which can cause your dog to become critically ill. If you suspect your dog has ingested a product containing xylitol, contact your vet immediately. Symptoms can include vomiting, extreme tiredness, collapse, confusion and seizure. In extreme cases, xylitol can cause liver failure, so don’t wait around if your dog is showing one or more of these signs.


Most people know that lilies are dangerous for cats, but they can also pose a serious threat to dogs, particularly smaller ones. It is best to avoid having all types of lilies in your house or garden if you have any pets. If your dog comes into contact with lily pollen, or manages to chew, or ingest any part of the plant, including the water they have been sat in, contact your vet immediately for advice. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhoea, lack of appetite, unusual drooling, and (in extreme cases) heart palpitations.

Pest control

Even though poison tends to be for smaller critters, it can still cause serious illness or even kill your dog if inhaled or ingested. Be careful of things like ant powder, slug repellent, rodent poison etc. If you have a rodent infestation, find another way to remove them if you have a dog in the house as they are often laid on the floor and can cause a highly painful death by internal bleeding, kidney failure and severe organ damage. Timing is everything if your dog has come into contact with poison, do not wait. Call the vet immediately.

Grapes and raisins

Such a harmless and healthy snack hardly seems like a danger, but they are highly toxic to dogs and can cause death by kidney failure, even if your dog has only eaten one or two. The exact reason why they are so harmful is unknown, but don’t take any risks if your dog has eaten one. The sooner you can get advice and treatment from your vet, the better your dog’s chances of survival.

So, there it is, as unpleasant as the topic is, it’s always best to be in the know to protect the pooch you love so much! Always take extra precautions and have your vet’s out of hours number saved in your phone for emergencies as timing is crucial in cases of poisoning.

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